The skin tag removal procedure: Effective but still optional for most


Skin tags are very common and benign skin outgrowths on the surface of the skin. It is commonly found in areas of friction on the skin, like the neck areas, underarms, under breasts, skin folds, and even the eyelids. 

Skin tags generally start as small and flesh-colored bumps which can go unnoticed. Skin tags can either continue to be painless but can easily become irritated from skin friction or pressure. They start as small, often flesh-colored bumps. Skin tags can stay on one size and go unnoticed, it can enlarge and continue to be painless, or skin tags can enlarge and become irritated and painful due to friction or pressure.

Skin tags are also more common in people that have diabetes or are overweight. In some cases, even pregnancy can also lead to skin tag growth due to the hormonal changes in a woman’s body.

The methods used for skin tag removal.

Many procedures are available for skin tag removal Bristol. Skin tags need not require to be removed as they are harmful, and will not become harmful over time. Still, most people that are distracted by them find skin tags unsightly and choose to have them removed by their doctor. 

Skin tag removal is accomplished using several methods like cryogenic therapy, electro-cautery, and excision.

  • Cryogenic therapy- is the most commonly used skin tag removal method in which a physician, generally a dermatologist, uses liquid nitrogen to freeze off skin tags.
  • Electro-cautery- a skin tag removal procedure that uses an electric needle, or probe, to burn off skin tags.
  • Excision- commonly called snipping. Excision uses a small scissor or scalpel to cut off skin tags in the skin. Excision is also considered a better option for larger skin tags compared to cryogenic therapy or electro-cautery.

Are over-the-counter skin tag removal medicines reliable?

While various at-home medications and therapies are available for skin tag removal their effectiveness is widely considered unreliable. There is little research data to support the effectiveness of at-home skin tag removal medications and therapies. Additionally, some of these at-home skin tag removal medicines and therapies can also have ingredients that can cause adverse skin irritation or cause other allergic reactions in some people.   

How to tell if it is a skin tag?

Skin tags can be irritating and distracting but none can cause a health risk. As skin tags can be annoying a skin tag removal procedure can make life more comfortable before skin tags can become a problem. 

Skin tags form because of repeated friction of the skin like skin that has been rubbed by a shirt collar, any clothing, or even skin-to-skin friction like in the underarms. They look like small flaps of skin that can range in size from a small pencil head to a few millimeters. 

Skin tags generally form when a small bump or gland sticks up from the skin which when repeatedly rubbed, like in the underarms, in the groin, or around the neck can cause the skin to rise into a flap and form into a ball shape with a stem.

The manner of causation of skin tags in people.

Skin tags can be associated in people with:

  • Abnormal lipid profiles.
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Cardiovascular diseases, and 
  • Obesity 

Other factors that cause skin tags.

In the majority of individuals that are obese, frequent irritation of the skin due to friction can be implicated as a cause for the occurrence of skin tags with the majority of dermatologists believing that skin tags are simply due to the aging process of the skin and its subsequent loss of elasticity.

Removing skin tags through surgical means.

Skin tag removal through is straightforward as most skin tags can be considered benign polyps. Skin tags are normal skin that grows into a polyp-like structure through friction and hanging on the skin. However, the most common skin tag removal procedure is through shave excision as it provided the best cosmetic results with the skin tag base electro-cauterized to prevent the regrowth of skin tags.

Who should consider skin tag removal procedures?

While skin tags are not harmful to health some people may want to consider having a skin tag removal procedure if their skin tags start to become unsightly and affect their self-esteem, or even, if their skin tags snag on their clothing or jewelry and bleed.

Simple skin tags can be removed very easily with some people having a large number of them, very often around the neck, and others having a very large single skin tag.

For pain relief during a skin tag removal procedure, patients can be injected with a local anesthetic or have a topical anesthetic cream applied to their skin. Scarring is usually minimal after a skin tag removal procedure and it is also a good idea to have any removed skin tag analyzed for complete peace of mind.

Skin tag removal: Removing them yourself.

There are many safe ways for proper skin tag removal with some people even known to have removed their skin tags themselves. However, before anyone should try to remove their skin tags themselves they must have a good knowledge of proper disinfection, sterilization, and stopping any bleeding.

Skin tag removal procedures: Precautions and preventing infections.

Good follow-up care is a key part of any skin tag removal treatment and a patient’s safety. Here are a couple of home care approaches after skin tag removal. 

  • Skin areas with skin tags removed should be covered with a bandage to prevent irritation and bleeding from rubbing on clothing.
  • Clean the skin areas area with soap and water at least twice a day and never use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol which can slow healing, and
  • Check all the skin on the body once a month to monitor for any skin growths or changes like skin color and feel of the skin.

If change is noted after a skin tag removal procedure it is important to look for:

  • Bleeding or fast-growing moles.
  • Any scaly or crusted growth on the skin, and
  • Sores that do not heal

Seek immediate medical care if any of the following is noted after skin tag removal:

  • Any pain, abnormal warmth, or swelling on the skin. 
  • Red streaks or smudges near a wound on the skin.
  • Pus from a wound on the skin, and
  • Fever.

It is important for patients that have undergone a skin tag removal procedure to look closely for changes in their health and make certain to immediately contact their doctor if any are noted.


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