Learning Management System VS Training Management System: Their Major Differences


If you’re looking for online learning or training solutions, you must have come across terms like LMS or TMS. They are the acronym for Learning Management System and Training Management System and are a household name in the education industry.

But while both of these software sound similar, they are pretty different in their application and benefits.

This blog will help you explore the difference between the two and identify which one you actually need. Let’s start with the basics first!

What is a Training Management System?

A training management system (TMS) is a tool available to trainers to help them manage the administrative and commercial aspects of their training. The tool streamlines and optimizes back-office processes, such as scheduling, logistics, resource management, sale, etc., for instructor-led training.

Depending on the TMS you choose, you may be able to manage bookings, registrations, payment, employee communication, and report generation, all through a single software.

What is a Learning Management System?

As TMS is for the trainers, the learning management system (LMS) is for the learners. You can use the tool to create and deliver online learning and track your progress.

LMS offers learning materials in different formats, such as quizzes, video content, or self-paced material for efficient learning. Trainees can immensely benefit from this helpful software as it provides them with a personalized learning environment they can access anytime from anywhere.

LMS V/s TMS: What Processes Do They Handle?

Training management software handles all back-office administrative processes, such as:

  • Managing the online registration process
  • Handling logistics and resources
  • Scheduling training sessions
  • Managing communication with trainees
  • Managing invoices and payments
  • Tracking costs, profits, and forecasting budget
  • Tracking performance and creating reports

A learning management platform handles processes such as:

  • Creating, managing, and updating e-learning courses
  • Enrolling learners and managing communication with them
  • Making online assessments and tracking learner’s performance
  • Gathering learner’s feedback

LMS V/s TMS: Benefits

Benefits of Training Management System

Multiple Features in a Single System

Some TMSs come with LMS included in them. Such a system gives you the benefit of both training management software and a learning management platform.

This prevents the need for multiple systems, as you will have all your training in one central repository. It will save you a lot of costs as you will only have to pay for one system.

Further, having all your data in one place also makes it easier to generate reports and draw insights.

Enables Blended Learning

A TMS allows you to administer and manage both instructor-led training and e-learning sessions simultaneously. An individual learner can track and get a consolidated report for both types of learning.

This feature makes it highly useful for those who prefer blended learning.

Simplifies Training Management

Having all your training in one place makes it easier to manage. You can easily add new modules and communicate the same to your students.

The selling and distribution of modules have also become far more convenient. You can provide access to the courses as required according to the schedule and time.

Saves Time and Cost

Training management software saves you time and effort by simplifying and automating the administration process. Using it enables you to provide efficient service, which in turn, improves customer relations.

You also save costs by avoiding data duplication. Having a central repository also makes it easier to track expenses and control budget layout.

Benefits of Learning Management System

Enables E-learning For Students

An LMS enables you to offer e-learning to your students.

Once the system is set up, students can access your classes with a login ID. They can then begin their learning at their own pace.

Easy to Track Students

An LMS not only allows you to provide online classes but also enables you to track your students. You can see how many students are taking your classes, follow their journey and progress, and how many have completed and need a certificate.

You can also limit access to your classes for a set amount of time according to the fees paid.

Easy to Update Courses

LMS makes it easy to fix the error, update courses or add new relevant materials to your training. You just have to make the changes once at your end, which will be updated across every student instance in their learning management platform.

So you won’t have to worry about any student missing out on the update.

Unlike offline material, you won’t have to spend your time and money printing new versions of the materials every time.

Provides Cheaper Learning Solution

E-learning is a cheaper solution for businesses. Since everything is online, you won’t have to pay for additional teachers, classrooms, or other learning infrastructure.

You can also enroll as many students as you like without worrying about the classroom size or the teachers’ available hours.

Moreover, you can also offer your courses to distance learners, not just local students. This widens your reach and enables you to make much more profit.

TMS V/s LMS: What Do You Need?

Ideally, having both training management software and a learning management platform would be much more beneficial for your business. You could use the TMS to handle back-office functions and the LMS for interacting with students.

But if you need to choose one, here are some considerations you need to make.

If you’re interested in providing a wide variety of educational offerings to your students that they can take at their own pace, then LMS would be more suitable for you.

Similarly, if you have no policy or accreditation compliances to fulfill in your organization, no attendance to track, but just looking to enrich your employees with the knowledge, an LMS would be much more suited for your needs.

On the other hand, you should consider a TMS if you have accreditation or policy compliances for employees to meet in your organization and need to be administrative-focused.

A TMS is more geared toward a corporate setting and will enable you to track thousands of training hours, attendance, and more.

Final Words

Both LMS and TMS have their own features and benefits. You will have to assess your requirements carefully while choosing one of them. And, now that you’re equipped with their differences, you are in a much better position to do so.

KITABOO is a platform that can help educators facilitate fun and effective learning experiences for all groups of learners, allowing them to explore concepts in a virtual environment. To know more, drop an email at kitaboo@hurix.com now!

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