In Karachi, the daily Namaz (prayer) times vary slightly each day due to the position of the sun. Here are the general prayer times for Karachi:
- Fajr: around 4:15 AM
- Dhuhr: around 12:30 PM
- Asr: around 5:12 PM
- Maghrib: around 7:17 PM
- Isha: around 8:45 PM
These times can fluctuate slightly depending on the day and specific calculation methods used. For instance, the Fajr time can range from 4:13 to 4:17 AM, and the Maghrib time from 7:09 to 7:21 PM (IslamicFinder) ( (PrayTimeCalc) (Islamuna).
For precise daily times, checking a reliable Islamic app or website, such as IslamicFinder or Hamariweb, is recommended. These platforms offer accurate prayer times and additional features like Qibla direction and Islamic calendar (IslamicFinder) (