VLSI Technology-Based Computers


Microprocessors were used in the fourth generation as opposed to transistors in the third generation of computer. The generation that these computers belonged to, which spanned from 1971 to 1980, used VLSI circuitry. On a single chip, a microprocessor contains a staggering number of transistors. Utilizing LSI and VLSI technologies, microprocessors are created. Large scale integration is referred to as LSI, whereas very broad scale integration is known as VLSI.

Modern computers have substantially reduced in price and size while significantly increasing in performance and memory. People use computers more frequently now than ever before because they are convenient and are more readily available. The ability and efficiency of these fourth generation computers to execute tasks has also contributed to the personal computer revolution.

Main Components of VLSI Computers

The primary elements that make up the CLSI computes will be addressed in this section of the text. The VLSI computers were created by combining these parts. Five distinct components make up the VLSI computers. Units for input, arithmetic, logic, memory, output, and control make up the fourth generation of computers. The exact location of the computer on your computer is depicted in the diagram below. Users enter the input or unit using input devices including mouse, keyboards, and microphones. (a unit is a digital piece of information). The input is processed or maintained based on the instructions, and an output, or result, is provided.

Some Characteristics of VLSI-Based Computers

A VLSI circuit with millions of transistors is installed in these computers. When compared to earlier generations, the fourth generation is less expensive. Processors using a single chip or board were developed. These computers were more advanced than the preceding generation in terms of speed and precision. Its size was lower as compared to earlier generations, which made it more transportable and simple to handle.

Several high-level languages make up the fourth generation. The personal computer revolution also got its start as a result of the fourth generation computers’ enhanced features. The first networking between systems emerged in the fourth generation of computers.

The Advantages of VLSI-based Computers

These computers were smaller than those from earlier generations because of the rising component density. These computers are intended for widespread use. They are more trustworthy, and the heat generated by the computers is negligible. The fourth generation of computers often don’t even need to be cooled. They required little money to maintain and were simple to keep.

These VLSI-based computers were portable compared to earlier generations. Across all generations, VLSI-based computers were noticeably faster in terms of speed. PCs have become more and more popular due to their affordability and portability. The primary objective of these computers was business. On these VLSI-based computers, any high-level language may be used as input.

VLSI-based Computer Disadvantages

The VLSI computers were to advanced which required Advanced tech to produce them making few producers. You needed a small fan for the system to cool. High technical expertise was required in the manufacture of microprocessors. High-quality and dependable system or technology can be used for the production of VLSI based ICs.

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